Сooling for electric melting furnace


Siemens simatic S7-400/ Profinet, WinCC, IbaAnalyzer

About the projects

Arc steelmaking furnace – a furnace in which the heat of an electric arc is used to melt steel. The capacity of arc furnaces ranges from 6 to 200 tons. These furnaces serve primarily for the smelting of alloyed and high-quality steels, which are difficult to obtain in converters and open-hearth furnaces. One of the main features of an arc furnace is the ability to achieve high temperatures in the working space (up to 2500 °C).


Main advantages of electric arc furnace:

  • the ability to control the redox properties of the medium in the course of melting, as well as to provide a reducing atmosphere and non-oxidizing slags in the furnace, which predetermines a small waste of alloying elements (for reference: waste is the loss of metal as a result of oxidation during melting or heating);
  • rapid heating of the metal associated with the input of thermal power in the metal itself. This allows large amounts of alloying elements to be introduced into the furnace;
  • smooth and precise adjustment of steel temperature;
  • more complete than in other furnaces, metal deoxidation, obtaining it with a low content of non-metallic inclusions;
  • obtaining steel with a low sulfur content.
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